Are You Committed?

When you purchase a subscription to Beachbody On Demand,
You’ll receive access to INSANITY: The Asylum, along with ALL of Shaun T's
other workouts.

What does it take to be an elite athlete?
You need speed, agility, balance and explosive
power, and you need to be committed.
Shaun T’s INSANITY: The Asylum is a 30-day
workout program that will get you in the
best shape of your life.

Train like a pro athlete—one workout a day, six
days a week for 30 days. It’s extreme athletic
– hot off the field, right in your home.

Welcome to the Asylum.

“If you want a
body like the pros,
you’ve gotta train
like the pros. ”

What is INSANITY: The Asylum?

Asylum was developed by fitness expert and former track star Shaun T
– he’s the guy that brought you INSANITY – the hardest workout ever created….
or at least it used to be because Asylum is training like the pros!

Shaun T’s INSANITY: The Asylum program is a combination of intense
cardio and resistance moves that require minimal equipment but maximum
commitment. Using the same performance training drills used by
Olympic-level training centers, Shaun T delivers an intense workout that
will leave you dripping in sweat. All you need is a speed rope,
an agility ladder, and space to move.

Keep a towel or two handy—and be prepared to sweat.The program combines
cardio, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), bodyweight and strength training,
core exercises, and muscle building. All workouts include a recovery phase to lower
lactic acid levels, reduce soreness, and increase blood flow to your joints.

A Full Body Transformation

The Asylum program is state-of-the-art performance training that was
previously only available to elite athletes. You’ll look and feel amazing with
shredded abs, massive arms, tight glutes, and, best of all, incredible weight loss.
Asylum begins where every other workout leaves off.

What results can I expect?

If you’re prepared to put the work in, The Asylum workout is
one of the best programs available. You can expect to:

Gain more strength
and agility

Burn fat and
tone muscle

Move faster
and jump higher

Gain more strength
and agility

Burn fat and
tone muscle

Move faster
and jump higher

Forget about lifting heavy weights and focusing on one muscle group at a
time – it’s a waste of time. Training like an Asylum athlete means training in the
Athletic Matrix – dynamic, multi-directional moves that work so many muscles;
it transforms the way your body looks and works.

Whether you play sports now, played them in high school, or never stepped
on a field, after training in The Asylum, you will be ready for GAME DAY.

Brendan M. lost 10 pounds doing INSANITY: The Asylum!

“I had always been heavy—
but THE ASYLUM changed my life.”

Recommended equipment

To get the most out of the program, we recommend the following additional
equipment: a chin-up bar, dumbbells, and resistance bands.

The Asylum—Why it works

Why is INSANITY: The Asylum so effective? Shaun T has designed this high-intensity
interval training program for maximum results in minimal time. For fat blasting
and muscle sculpting, nothing gets results as quickly as HIIT. Research has shown
that HIIT programs like this keep your metabolic rate higher for longer,
burning fat more efficiently. Combined with cross-training with weights
and resistance bands, you’ll be leaner and stronger.

INSANITY: The Asylum
The program

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 1

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 2

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 1

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 1 has eight workouts: Speed and Agility, Vertical Plyo, Strength, Back to Core, Game Day, Sports Performance Assessment, Overtime, and Relief. Shaun T is your personal trainer —taking you through a weekly schedule that will transform your body in only 30 days.

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 2

Extreme Abs

INSANITY: The Asylum Volume 2 has nine workouts: Agility Tutorial, Pure Contact, X Trainer, Upper Elite, Ab Shredder, Power Legs, Back & 6-Pack, Championship + Fit Test and Off Day Stretch. These fat scorching workouts will improve your speed & agility, your strength, core, legs and glutes. You'll engage every inch of your core, helping you blowtorch belly fat and eliminate love handles.

Program Materials

As well as access to the video series, INSANITY: The Asylum comes
complete with the following program materials

Some quick tips to get you started on your pro athlete training from Day One
Your roadmap to a leaner, fitter, stronger you. Use the Asylum Fitness Guide to map out your personal transformation.
Match your nutrition needs and calorie intake to the demands of the program. Our nutrition guide has tips to fuel your body and optimize your eating habits for total success. This nutrition guide helps set up healthy eating habits that enable you to get maximum benefits from the workouts and beyond.
The ultimate food guide to help you maximize nutrition and boost your metabolism
Use the Asylum Calendar or the INSANITY Hybrid Calendar to keep you on track.
Track your progress with this handy worksheet.
Get the answers you need for optimum results.

Are you ready to commit
yourself to the Asylum?

Release your inner athlete with Shaun T and
get in the best shape of your life.

When you purchase a subscription to Beachbody On Demand,
you'll receive access to INSANITY: The Asylum, along with ALL of Shaun T's other workouts.