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The Words for 2020

It’s that time of year again. At the start of every year, everyone clamors to come up with goals, resolutions, habits and other “to-do’s” that they typically lose before the end of January. Hey, it happens! We can sometimes start off amped and then get discouraged, can start off focused and then get distracted.

This is why instead of having a conversation on what list of resolutions or goals you have for the new year, I wanted to talk with my fit fam and Team Shaun T about what is the ONE WORD they could identify that would help shape a successful 2020 for them.

Picking a word to be your them or focus for 2020 allows you to commit to an idea/principle without saddling yourself with too many specific “to-do’s” that can quickly become overwelling. Also, the process of choosing a word should be very introspective allowing you to visit goals and ideas for the person you want to be deeper than how you look or what you do. We want to tap into how you want to feel!

Team Shaun T and I share with you our words for 2020, check them out:

Shaun T

My word for 2020 is “TIME”

Time has been on my mind lately. Specifically, the quality time that I am giving to myself. Recently, I have been thinking about the amount of time I give to people and situations. I have decided that I am going to be more diligent with my time because I need more of it for me! Too often we find ourselves in situations where we are giving time to people and issues that don’t deserve it. That time could be better used for something else. I have started to ask myself, “If this person wasn’t in my life, would I be able to spend more quality time with myself”? I need to maximize my time and I started this well before the new year so that I could pass the baton to myself once 2020 rolled in and continue to move forward making more time for myself and the people/things that matter most. Time is one of our most valuable commodities, be mindful of what you do with it.


I do not know what my word for 2020 will be…

Let’s talk:
I struggled with coming up with one word for 2020, one – because I have never done this before and two – because I have a few words that come to mind when I am thinking about 2020 and the things I hope to accomplish. I thought long and hard and I just don’t have that one word that will encapsulate how I will be my best, most amazing and most uplifting self. This has now become the challenge that I accept wholeheartedly. I am diving deeper into how I feel and what’s on my mind to really figure out what this word could be for me. I know this year I will be focused. I am focused on bringing in more revenue at Shaun T Inc. As the CFO and COO, this is always top of mind and I enjoy leveling up each year in this way. Another word that comes to mind is “unknown”. I don’t know what 2020 will bring. I know that if I am honest with who I am and honest with who Shaun is we will continue to thrive and succeed. That authenticity will push us to continue to conquer any obstacle placed before us and help us to motivate and inspire people who need our message, our voice and us to be us. I have no idea what 2020 will bring but I hope it will bring inspiration, amazingness, revenue and more to my life, my husbands’ life, our kids’ lives and everyone who interacts with us. My goal is to leave this earth a much better place than I found it.

My word for 2020 is “LOVE”

This word, above all things, will define my year from the love I put into my work, how I will strive to use love within all of my relationships and leading into the most important day of my life, using the love I have to marry my soulmate.

My word for 2020 is “UNITY”

What’s inspiring me is really the realization that what’s fueled by personal and professional growth is people uniting around me to support me. I realize that by bringing others together, it’s my way of paying it forward and serving others the same way I’ve been served. =)


My word for 2020 is “CONSISTENCY”

I want to show up day after day and focus on the baby steps in front of me instead of thinking about how far I have to go/what I have to do way down the line.

Will Smith has a great quote about how you build your house brick by brick instead of the entire thing at one time. It is really a powerful metaphor for life and how we can only control whatever the next step in our journey is.

My word for 2020 is “CONFIDENCE”

Over the years I have acquired great and diverse skills, traveled, built relationships and attempted to level up at every chance I could. For me though, my ambition, education, excitement and overall bigness in life doesn’t always show up in the rooms that I walk into because I have been conditioned to “play small”, “be humble” and “never rock the boat”. In 2020, I will hold on to humility but I am throwing humble and playing small by the wayside and stepping into every opportunity, every room, every relationship with confidence. Confidence in who I am, confidence in what I bring to the table and confidence in the fact that no matter what I am always a value add. Confidence is a game-changer and deal maker. I hope everyone reading looks to cultivate more confidence in themselves in 2020 too.

Now it is your turn. Post a comment below, tweet or Instagram (@ShaunT) and tell us your word for 2020 and what it means for you and this year! If you are having trouble coming up with a word, tell us about that too! There is no right or wrong, just connection over common goals and creating healthy, happy and loving lives for ourselves!

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